Топ комментариев

They've just realized that A is solvable and are preparing a new one instead.

They've just realized that A is also unsolvable and are preparing a new one instead.

Obviously, Finalists should not watch the stream during the contest. The mirror contest participants can watch it since there's no way to prevent it. This is why the mirror is Unrated and the standings is hidden.

I know, it was a long post and you are tired

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Sharing my video of winning* the contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vv2ZukG1CM&t=2476s

(*tourist doesn't count)

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

The problems were great, but the confusing statements ruined it for me, I really think more attention should be given to making the statement clear and understandable.

For example in problem D it was not clear that k was for the entire problem, when I read it I thought he could not swim a distance more than k in a row which led to me writing a completely different solution and wasted a lot of time on this.

I spent more time understanding the problems than solving them.

I am not saying the contest is bad, but I felt this should be addressed.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

(*tourist doesn't count)

When tourist enters a contest, everyone aims for the second place.

Sponsored by Telegram

Problem D is almost same as https://codeforces.com/contest/1637/problem/H xD..

We are waiting for the AWTF2024 Finalist Profile to be updated!

На tickbirdhow to get back motivation?, 12 часов назад
  1. Try to not care about rating and enjoy solving problems.
  2. If not possible, do it as a necessary sacrifice for whatever reason you really want to do it.
  3. If this does not work, give up. There are much better things in life to worry about. Problem solving is not everything, and doomposting on Codeforces every other day will not solve anything.

something else

На amin_2008EGOI 2024 Teams, 42 часа назад


  • nathjess — 1st time, 2 attempts left

  • Faeee — 1st time, 1 attempt left

This is also our country's 1st time in EGOI 🎉

We are having a network issue and the contest is delayed. We are gonna start when we can, and also announce it here. 1hr delay is tentative, it can start earlier.

На PetrAWTF24 pre-contest, 29 часов назад

It was taken when taking off from the Helsinki airport.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 28 часов назад

i mentioned this issue in testing, but unfortunately they did not take it into account

На luogu_official【LGR-193】Luogu Round 193 Announcement, 13 часов назад

I have to say, usually Luogu div1/2 difficulty >> Codeforces div1/2 difficulty. "similar" is a fake information.

На Jaman_khanUse pronounceable names, 10 часов назад

I think stories which makes the statement more understandable than formulas are acceptable. But to people including me who do not use English often, these story statements mostly give them huge difficulty to understand what they should do. Sometimes feels like I spent so much effort for a lot of messages which aren't useful for me to solve the problem. I think Atcoder does better on this.

Оралханов Дінмұхамммед — DiMashina2005 ...

На xennygrimmatoNumber of pairs with GCD(a[i], a[j]) > 1, 42 часа назад

sorry for necroposting but it's the same as this CSES task: https://www.cses.fi/problemset/task/2417

It's intern/placement season in India. Hence, a lot of people have started to resort to cheating here for internet points.

На tickbirdhow to get back motivation?, 11 часов назад

Frankly speaking, you had a flat contest and a bad contest, I'm more surprised that you didn't come here when you had roughly 10 contests of mediocre performances in late 2023.

Now in more seriousness, as others said here, you shouldn't see rating as your only goal, but more like something you will eventually end up achieving.

Learning new things and enjoying the experience are way more important things to strive for than just some numbers on a screen, because these will be the ones which will bring you actual benefits in real life too.

In the picture on the top of the website, why the username is "maroonk"?

The contest started. We also restarted the Stream, the URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uajgh54TRu8

Interactive table of the finalists with their ratings and previous AtCoder World Tour Finals stats:

На v3318384ISLAM THE TERRORIST RELIGION, 28 часов назад

Mch gbtelak ban abl kda ybn al mtnaka

На v3318384ISLAM THE TERRORIST RELIGION, 28 часов назад

I think you aren't a true Russian, aslak yhody y mtnak. Usually, Putin fu*ks you mfs.

The contest will start at 13:45 (in 3 minutes).

На Noobish_MonkCodeforces Round 957 Editorial, 9 часов назад
  1. 10^6 == 1,000,000
  2. less than 10^6 is 999,999 which is 6 digits.

Niko-Bellic is right.

Right makes sense, thanks

you are cute

The contest will start at 13:45. Sorry for inconvenience.

На luogu_official【LGR-193】Luogu Round 193 Announcement, 14 часов назад

Wow a luogu contest announcement on codeforces

He was told this is allowed before posting. He thinks it is funny and posted it anyway.

На Red0Not a native speaker, help requested., 35 часов назад

it is free... (as in, the free version is still good)

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 26 часов назад

really nice contest, I enjoyed the surplus of math-related questions, and it felt fitting for div 3. great job to all the organizers!

На tickbirdhow to get back motivation?, 10 часов назад

I'm more surprised that you didn't come here when you had roughly 10 contests of mediocre performances in late 2023.

He did, he just deletes blogs after ranting about it and getting advice from people (and ignoring said advice).

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Was it only for me ,or it was really hard to decode the problems?

Will the mirror contest's standing be released after contest?

На Jaman_khanUse pronounceable names, 15 часов назад

Why do they even use unnecessary, useless stories in problem statements? I always want them to provide short, crisp, to the point problem statements.

"gently correcting" is correct, though

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Great job, I also needed the video. It lightened my day to see where you started it. Also listening to explanations on E-G.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Fantastic round! E was an amazing problem! Thanks a lot for the round Noobish_Monk ErnKor Kmes ArSarapkin and all testers!

That has been an issue for far longer than 4 months. And yes, it was also widespread before.

На Noobish_MonkCodeforces Round 957 Editorial, 8 часов назад


My contest submission : 269977715

Same code submission: 270045857

My submission getting runtime error but other submission accepted, this whole thing ruined my contest rating.

Please do something about this.

На Ahmed_Jamal_SultanCelebrating a new Expert!!, 8 часов назад


На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

i got it my mistake

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 24 часа назад

Мужики, это конкретный позор с задачей F. Как можно было не написать 1 уточняющее предложение. Или хотя бы 1 тест объяснить. Для чего вообще вам тестеры нужны? Если вы вот так относитесь к задачам.

На Jaman_khanUse pronounceable names, 11 часов назад

Why are names (such as k1o0n) that are difficult to pronounce given in the problem statement? Such names often delay the understanding of the problem statement. Can't understandable names (such as Alice, and Bob) be used instead of such names?

There is nothing wrong with that in my opinion, also I wouldn't really call these problems observation based problems. Programming is just a medium through you solve problems, the emphasis is on the problem solving aspect.

Auto comment: topic has been updated by maroonrk (previous revision, new revision, compare).

Why does it sound like its written by AI. Also you are telling to take the characters which are even in number from each string in the array and take them in the final answer to from a palindrome with taking atmost 1 odd character which we cannot do in the question asked. We are supposed to concatenate the strings to from a palindrome

На PetrAWTF24 pre-contest, 29 часов назад

Beautiful picture. where is this place?

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

I might have gotten E in contest time itself but cloudflare had other plans.

На Surge226Doubt in Sliding Window Median CSES problem, 29 часов назад

Oh, I did not know that. Thanks a lot for helping sammyuri.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

there is also easier greedy solution using O(1) extra memory: create a variable last_land_point and set it = i whenever you get on the land. Then if ever last_land_point become too far, that is farther than jumping distance, start incrementing a variable for how much to swim. If you hit a crocodile while swimming, not possible. If you have to swim too much, not possible.

Code: https://codeforces.com/contest/1992/submission/269973081

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 24 часа назад

Буду знать. Просто видимо как новичок я вообще этого не понял. Я думаю со мной многие согласятся, что после прочтения не понятно в чём вообще состоит проблема. Т.к. не объявлено, что должны быть ТОЛЬКО плохие подотрезки. Только в конце контеста это написали. Этих проблем вообще не должно быть, потому что пишут хотя бы 1 пример, а лучше пару. Чтобы вопросов не было. А так получается, что легкие задачи с примерами, а сложные(до которых Div 3 новички еле еле доползли(Я)) должны понимать, как будто они уже с опытом. Но за Ешку лайк.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 18 часов назад

a recent trend is to give a constructive problem as div -3,4 E making it confusing wheather to go for e or f

На Noobish_MonkCodeforces Round 957 Editorial, 10 часов назад

Sorry for misreading the tutorial. Then it's a shorter but less efficient solution lol (but I think mine can also be optimized with the same trick or by using unordered_set

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 8 часов назад

Just follow the instructions on the image. Also, during the hacking phase, you cannot see the hacker's input. If you can't view the tests, this might be the reason.

Here is your test used for hack: Link

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

set trivializes, only add if its a divisor of x, max 36 elements in the set so it wont tle

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

bruh i asked chatgpt to solve D with dp and it actually worked

На amin_2008EGOI 2024 Teams, 29 часов назад

Team India:

  • Neha S (Spensa) — 3rd time, 0 attempt left
  • Neha S (overwatch) — 2nd time, 1 attempt left
  • Aanya G (ag._.) — 1st time, 1 attempt left
  • Mansi S (Toast12) — 1st time, 4 attempts left

Neha S will win EGOI 2024.

На Jaman_khanUse pronounceable names, 14 часов назад

Even more than half submissions in codeforces are copied.We need to make something like codeforces police to catch out the cheater something which will remove the ai effect then compare and so we can put the cheater tag on the cheaters

На Jaman_khanUse pronounceable names, 13 часов назад

I think it's when there are multiple unpronounceable names, and they all begin with the same letter, then they're really difficult to keep track of while reading the problem statement.

На Noobish_MonkCodeforces Round 957 Editorial, 9 часов назад

Oh sorry, my bad :')

All hail Cheat Patrol, first of its name, but second of its type(after LC Police), the nightmare of cheaters and protector of codeforces.

На MisterGirDIV X Разбор, 5 часов назад


На pathetiquewhy am i stuck at cyan, 45 часов назад

cyan orz

На eagerbat_What is div 1 + div 2 round ? , 42 часа назад

Div1+Div2=Div3 (just kidding)

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 35 часов назад

Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600 (or you are a newcomer/unrated), then the round will be rated for you.

If the rating range is 1600-1900(didn't cross 1900 at any time), then you would only be in the official standings.

Btw, Congrats!! on reaching Expert

На one_by_zero_MLE DIV 3 - D , LAST DIV3 CONTEST, 29 часов назад

see you have 2 states in your dp. Mainly N and K (swims in your case) both can be 2*10^5 so total in worst case is >10^9 Actually you could have taken m because m is less than 10 Anyways u dont need both k and m in and can just do in n space. Check my solution and let me know if u want me to explain

btw my dp finds min number of k needed to get past river and if thats more than k then u cant else can

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

why would you want chat gpt to solve for you?

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

D has a very clean DP solution.

Let $$$dp[i]$$$ denote the minimum number of swims required to reach index $$$i$$$. The transitions are -

For $$$j = i + 1 - m$$$ to $$$i$$$

  • $$$dp[i + 1] = min(dp[j], dp[i + 1])$$$, if $$$s[j] =$$$ 'L'

$$$dp[i + 1] = min(dp[i] + 1, dp[i + 1)$$$, if $$$s[i] =$$$ 'W'

Finally, the answer is YES if $$$dp[n + 1] \le k$$$.

Submission Link: https://codeforces.com/contest/1992/submission/270032188

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Yeah, that's true, but I exceeded the memory limit during the contest using dynamic programming, so I used BFS instead. It is also an easy solution.


i tried this interesting problem, although it might be a bit simple for the techniques you are talking about: 1305G - Kuroni and Antihype

UPDATE: CodingPokemon said that these problems are wayyyyyy to easy for your level

I've got a lot of free time lately. If you're interested, feel free to contact me anytime^ _ ^

------- Found a partner for now, but still welcome all kinds of exchanges ^_^

Oh, GPT cheated me, lol

Funded by Telegram & Youtube

It's a pathetic situation to be very honest. There are telegram groups that supply like the first 3-4 problems. Some people widely participate in this cheating process just because they have the notion that the better their codeforces ratings is, the better the job they'll be getting.

На Ahmed_Jamal_SultanCelebrating a new Expert!!, 8 часов назад

Congratulations! Good luck upon reaching expert and beyond!

На Ahmed_Jamal_SultanCelebrating a new Expert!!, 8 часов назад

Smile423man don't be shy, say it

На Ahmed_Jamal_SultanCelebrating a new Expert!!, 7 часов назад

Congratulations Smile423man!!! All the best for your next target.

На Jaman_khanUse pronounceable names, 6 часов назад

Yeah, Atcoder does A LOT better on this.

I hope, that it will be useful for you

This means that your goal is unattainable (with your level of knowledge) and it is better for you not to have hopes, but to set an adequate goal.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Me staring at E for 1hr +

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

Please report this guy. He is sharing answer during the contest time. He is destroying the cp environment. here is the link : https://www.youtube.com/live/frrrP-SHXWA?si=nnX4Ghj0bqvDJEeN

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

It's funny because I exceeded the memory limit using a DFS solution, and had to think of a DP solution instead.

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 28 часов назад

both the dp and non dp should be O(N*10) solutions right !

На SevenAlarmNEAR Prize?? Account connection not working, 26 часов назад

You can use the same seed phrase with either mynearwallet (https://www.mynearwallet.com/) or meteor wallet (https://wallet.meteorwallet.app) to send the tokens from your account elsewhere.


Here is another problem, taht uses treap: 4A - Watermelon

На tickbirdhow to get back motivation?, 20 часов назад

LSD and Tool

people are literally live streaming the contest so I think you can now figure out what is happening

На Noobish_MonkCodeforces Round 957 Editorial, 10 часов назад

that (the editorial) is correct. strictly less than 10^6 means <= 99999 -> max 5 digits :)

the cheaters...

Мансур Мамадахунов — Wansur Оралханов Дінмұхамммед — dimachine

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 34 часа назад

Oh , i didn't see it

Thx : )

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

I think you just misread they wrote that k is for the entire swim from 1...n

The river is very cold. Therefore, in total (that is, throughout the entire swim from 0 to n+1 )

На K1o0nCodeforces Round #957 (Div. 3), 29 часов назад

oh yeah. very weird descriptions. probably their native language is not English.

На tickbirdhow to get back motivation?, 20 часов назад

eh just leave it until you find it interesting again